Forum Scheduled to Answer Questions About Flooding
MANHEIM - In conjunction with Manheim Borough leaders, state Rep. Mindy Fee (R-Manheim) has scheduled a flood forum to help any residents in northern Lancaster County who have been affected by flooding in recent years.

The forum is scheduled for Thursday, Sept. 25, from 6 - 8 p.m., at the Manheim Central Middle School, 261 White Oak Road in Manheim.

Fee noted that officials from the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and the PA Department of Community and Economic Development (DCED) will make presentations and answer questions.

“Residents in many areas of northern Lancaster County have been affected by flooding in major weather events like Tropical Storm Lee and Hurricane Sandy, as well as smaller, more localized storms,” Fee said. “Recovery can be a tedious and costly endeavor. I’ve joined with several local officials to hold an information session to answer questions that many residents have about what has been done on the flooding issue, and some details to prepare for any future flooding events.”

Fee listed several topics that will be a part of the evening’s discussion:

• The latest updates on the Biggert-Waters Flood Insurance Act (BW-12).
• The new draft maps and the impact on homeowners who are going to be within the FEMA flood zone.
• Who must have flood insurance and why?
• FIRMS (Flood Insurance Rate Maps) – What are they and why are they important.
• How to obtain an elevation certificate.
• The difference between “minor” and “substantial” flood damage and repetitive claims associated with both.
• Disaster Recovery funds and how they work.
• The roles of FEMA and PEMA in helping local residents deal with flooding.

There is no charge to attend the forum, but Fee asks that residents RSVP if they plan to attend, either online at or by calling Fee’s office at 664-4979.

Representative Mindy Fee
37th Legislative District
Pennsylvania House of Representatives

Media Contact: Diane Moore
717.772.9844 /